Creating a Happy Family Christian Basic Doctrine

Creating a Happy Family Christian Basic Doctrine

 Happy home making

A happy couple life is what anyone wants.

But reality is not as satisfying as a couple wanting happiness.


It is because happiness thinks that wife depends on husband, and husband thinks that it depends on wife.

The happiness of the couple has the characteristic that it grows by eating the fertilizer of effort made with labor and sweat.
The couple has a concept of 1 + 1 = 1.

This is a mathematically contradictory concept, but a precise concept as God's intentional expression of marriage.

Nevertheless, it is very difficult for us to say that a couple is united and becomes one body.

Love is made.

The equation 1 + 1 = 1 is not naturally established by marriage.

There must be a lot of effort involved.

Love is dynamic and is either one of two things, whether it grows or hides.

Therefore, wisdom and effort are needed to make love grow.

The believer's home must be joyful in Jesus, and create happiness.

1. Seven keys to a happy family
Professor Yang Eun Soon says, "Seven keys to a happy family."
First, it is the key to maturity.
The husband and wife are mature in their flesh, but they are not maturing spiritually and personally, and many problems arise.

In the Bible, Adam sees Eve, his wife, and confesses, "This is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh."

However, after disobeying God, he blamed and took responsibility.

As such, today's couples often see cracks in their marriages by owing responsibility to each other when problems arise.
Therefore, it must be spiritually mature.

In order for an immature man to mature, he needs life from God.

For he who is separated from God is dead.

Second, it is the key to obedience.
The wife should obey her husband and her husband should love her.

That way you can make a happy family.

This obedience is not that the husband is good.

Because you are a husband, you are asked to obey.

A happy family remembers saying, "Submiss one another."

Third, it is the key to love.
God created men as clay and women as men's ribs, which made men consider women to be precious.

Therefore, my husband has a duty to love his wife.

This love is not a love of words but a practical love.

When the love of husband and wife is the most unlovely, when it feels boring, the decision of love is needed.
There are many reasons why a husband should love his wife.

In I Peter 3: 7, if a husband loves his wife, prayer is not blocked.

A wife (woman) is a weak vessel who is to inherit the grace of life.

That's why God asked me to love my wife.

fourth. The key to the conversation.
The biggest reason for divorce in a modern family is the lack of honest conversation between the couple.

Conversation requires skill.

A one-sided declaration or statement is not a conversation.

Among the skills of conversation, "listening skill" is important.

The attitude of listening to the other person is the key to happiness.
There is a word to lead the marital conversation beautifully.

"I'm sorry, it's okay, thank you. I love you"
The word "I'm okay" includes the meaning of forgiveness.

My Korean couple are very stingy about the word "I love you".

However, the husband must express his love to his wife.

Because my wife is touched by small things, the word "I love you" is important.

This is a great catalyst for promoting marital conversation.

Fifth, it is the key to prayer.
A home without prayer is like a house without a roof.

Prayer is an expression of humility.

It is a passage of blessing.

Therefore, a praying family can make a happy family.
Sixth, it is the key of the Word.
Just as we daily eat meat at home, we must also eat the Bible, which is the spiritual form, at home.
Seventh, Jesus Christ is the key.
Even if everything is in the home, there is no real satisfaction without Jesus.

Letting Jesus drive our home is the key to a happy family life.


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