Prayer for Sunday worship (November 2017)

Prayer for Sunday worship (November  2017)

The living God, Father,
Thank you for the grace that comes before God in the day of holy day and worship. I want you to forgive us for the foolishness of our lives that have lost our hearts to a futile world at the moment. God, light our dark eyes and open our closed ears. So let us look at God and let him hear the voice of God, so that we always live according to God's word.
God who knows our weakness,
Give faithfulness to those who are tempted in heart, and give courage to those who are discouraged, and touch the wounded soul with the hand of comfort. Let all the saints here gather together with the spiritual grace and power of heaven, to gain a new hand.
Please forgive and heal this rebellious generation, who is not pleased to be a slave of matter and serving God. Have mercy on this people, that they may know and serve the living God who is alive. Let this people not be put to ruin by rejecting God, and lead them not to fall into the misfortune of abandoning God by sin. So let the season of Christ come to earth and serve God wholeheartedly to receive greater grace and blessings.
May the words proclaimed by the pastor be our food, and the praise of the choir set apart for the praise of God, will be the whole praise God will receive. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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