

主日礼拝代表祈り 来天地万物を言葉で創造し、その大事な意味に基づいて摂理される生ける神、父。 主の聖と誉れた手をため全国民が主の前に礼拝と感謝を上げます。 罪によって絶望と挫折と悲惨の中でもがき滅亡を受けなければならいた私達を大いなる恵みと愛に救わしていただき 神の民に三ありがとう喜びと歓喜の生活を生きるように導いてくださった主の尊い恵みをこの時間に心から感謝を申し上げます。  先週も私達を守ってくれて、恵みと愛の中に住むお今日神聖性でを許して、メイン宣誓父のもとへと 礼拝ささげ霊的な交わりを通して主と会うことができるよう導いてくださりまた感謝します。   このように主は私たちに格別の恵みと愛の中で配慮してくださったけれど、私たちは主の尊い愛を深く気付かず むしろ主に背く醜い罪人です。 主を信じノラとも世界と主の隙間の中で右往左往し、神と富とに兼ね仕えるうと努めをソワト私である。 主の贖いの恵みよ​​り、神との霊的な交わりよりも、むしろ物質の豊かささにより心を書いて、世界と適当に妥協し この日まで過ごしてき私である。   主よ。この貧しい罪人亘っフルヒ考えお与えください。 耳において聞くことドゥトドゥェ本当に聞かなければなら主の勧めを聞かず、 目があって見るのみなし無駄に捕われるだけ主の栄光の御座を見られない私たちの無能と不足を許していただき、 この時間私たちの霊を新たに変化させていただき、あなたの福音の真理をしっかり実現信頼にして下さい。 再び主と罪の間でためらうず熱く主を愛し、生きていくように。   慈悲深い神は、父。私たちは、不足して愚かた罪の誘惑にあまりにも弱く、いつも倒れてつまずきしかませんので 私たちだけ捨てておか飲ん主の霊に私達を包んで下さって新しい力を得るおらすべての悪と悪を十分ムルリチゲように。   主の名前の栄光のために私達を助けおら、主の高貴た力のために私達を・かおら、 切なる精神的に主申し上げは私達を容認にしてください。   サタンの奴隷達を求め授け主の民に三いただき、成都に呼んでいただき、このように、主の教会を立てるように導かれた主は、 この教会を守って導いてくださったことを信じて感謝します。 ...

Today's prayer

Today's prayer  I thank God, who wants each nation, people and people to be saved. We, through our glad tidings of salvation, endlessly thank the people who have not heard the gospel to preach the gospel. We believe that the wrath of the nations will not hinder us to preach the gospel. May those who have proclaimed the gospel to our land, which was a barren land of the gospel, and their descendants be blessed, and that we should continue to work like this. Please use our people to spread the gospel to those who still have not heard the Gospel. Protect missionaries from our country who especially go out to the front line of the mission to preach the gospel, and to all those who work for it, prevent all danger and adversity by God's way so that it is not an obstacle to preaching the gospel. Let us see the way of salvation that we have not thought of until now, and stop all the forces that are against God. I thank you for giving me the precious news to preach the gosp...

A healthy heritage, a happy home

A healthy heritage, a happy home Just as the history of all human beings leads through the encounter, the history of one person is made through meeting. If you are able to perform any of your abilities, it is also a legacy given to you through encounters. We humans live in a network of various encounters. However, among these many meetings, the first thing to consider is the meeting. It's a family meeting. Perhaps there will be no denying that the family has had the most decisive influence on forming today's self. That is why the good experiences and the painful experiences that you have experienced in a family are important factors to understand yourself. To understand a tree, you need to know the soil that it is rooting in, and you must know the climate that it has experienced as it grows. It is very important to think carefully about the influence of the soil and climate of my family, which is the growth of a tree called 'I'. So in order to understan...

The attitude of the couple to show in front of your children

The attitude of the couple to show in front of your children * Respect and love are heritage * The greatest legacy my father will pass on to his son I love his son's mother. Mother's best gift for her daughter I respect her father. * Use child-centered callings * When a couple calls each other "Who's Mom ..." "Who's Dad ..." It is also good to give your children a sense of belonging. * Show parental respect * Hyo is the basis of the white line Give your children what they want. * Show you how to help each other * Do not eat those who do not want to work. If the couple help each other, I also grab a plate. * Do not mutilate each other's faults * The parents' fault is the child's shame. The child's fault is the level of the parents. I want to see the spouse's fault in front of the child Do not call a bad nickname. * Show me reconciliation * The child is the mirror of the parents. If you fought...

A husband who loves his wife is a real man

A husband who loves his wife is a real man Are women superior to men? Yes. Certainly superior. The superiority of women over men is evident in the sports world. See Pak Se Ri, Kim Mi Hyun and Park Ji Eun sweeping the world golf scene. It is also true that it goes back to the times. 'Archbishop's godmother' Kim Jin-ho is a representative player of Korea in the world. But what is really important is that women and men are of different quality. Adam was built of clay. But Eve was built with ribs. The difference between the two is very important. The soil was inorganic and the ribs were organic matter. It is a more advanced material through 'first processing'. Moreover, new products always come out later. So men have fewer chromosomes than women. Advanced materials require more attention to handling. A sister is married. At the end of the fight, the couple fled their house. The angry husband said he would fix the habit on this occasion. The parent mind to see...

Top 10 reasons you should pray daily

Top 10 reasons you should pray daily 1. Because it is God's command (? 33: 2)   Because God is a God-dependent person who can not live without the supply and help of God's life, God has promised to supply and help through prayer, and that by ordering it, everyone will live as God. 2. Because prayer is God's direction   There are two things in the original language of prayer: Prayer Raising (Proscheke) and another one receiving God's instruction (Deomi). Now, without my problems, to receive God's direction (inspiration of the Holy Spirit) Should pray 3. Prayer is the best way to live your life wisely.   It is wise for Joseph to become a prime minister in Egypt for seven years, when he was in good health, to save his bread, and to eat bread for seven years. As the nations could live in the year of famine 4. Those who are afflicted will pray.   God said, "Let us enjoy suffering again, and let us not just neglect it, but go through it quickly....

A Beautiful Family - Seven Legacy to Leave For children

A Beautiful Family - Seven Legacy to Leave For children ☞ First gift - respect Respect is the work of the noble mind, It keeps you from getting out and walking the right way. Everyone is born with a role that only one person can do in life. Hence, both yourself and others Let us realize that we are.  ☞ Second gift - patience Human desire is endless. Those who do not know how to suppress desire can It is easy to be frustrated. Forget your child's self-centered thoughts and Teach me how to suppress. ☞ third gift - love To convey your beloved heart truthfully It is the basis of child education. Parents give enough warm love to their parents If the trust relationship is firm Half of your child's education is successful. ☞ fourth gift - motivation Let's create a mood for the children to think they want to do it themselves. By showing the parents that they are enjoying themselves You want your child to Rise your heart.  ☞ Fifth gift - individu...