Christmas prayer (December 2017)

Christmas prayer (December 2017)

Immanuel, with us

 I praise God.

From your sins to your people.

Our Lord of Salvation

I praise Jesus Christ.

The Word becomes flesh.

I was among you.

 Let us see that glory.

Thank you.

The low and low of Bethlehem

 Welcome to the stables

Through Baby Jesus

We are the father

 To see the glory of the only begotten Son,

In it grace filled with grace

 Help me to understand the truth.

We are truly sinful

You may be foolish to see God

 Those who can not understand.

The Holy God

When you come to us

We are the ones who are forced to die.

So poorly

 For loving us


 In the shape of our species

Among us

Thank you for coming.

Through the person of Jesus Christ

 You have made God known,

We let him learn his character.

Reliance on the Holy Spirit

Let him resemble his personality.


Forget the joy of heaven

He chose the sorrow of the earth.

Forever without sin


It is in this world

Painfully sinful

Instructions have changed to work.

Jesus is called Bethlehem

 In a dirty stall in a small neighborhood,

From a lowly colonial woman

He was born.

Jesus of Egypt

You became a child of refugees.

Fishermen and tax collectors

A friend of a prostitute

 Our Lord's mercy

 Please remember.

People on his head

 Putting a crown of thorns, mocking,

Even when spitting and crucifixion

The Lord has forgiven them for their sins

He prayed to his father.

The Lord

You were in a low place


Please forgive our pride.

The Lord

 You completely deny yourself.

Today, I am proud of myself.

 Want to be recognized

Forgive us.

He was a thorough servant.

 To serve today

 Please forgive us for doing this.

As low as Jesus,

Serving like Jesus

Let us be.

The coming of Jesus

In heaven glory to God,

Be pleased on earth

 Peace among people.

Lord, we too today

 It is an honor to God,

Peace to man

Life of God's children

 Please let me live.


What we need to do today

 Please teach me whether or not.

On this day the people of the world

 Encourage drinking


Enjoy pleasure

We also have holidays

In a joyful celebration

The true meaning of the day you came

 Do not you realize it right away?

Meaning of this day

 To make you realize

 To the people of the world

We really should be happy

 Please tell me why.

Santa Claus or Rudolph deer

Not the main character of the day.

 To belong to the first-rate sin

 The baby Jesus came to this land

 That's the main character of the day.

 May the war be ours.

On the night of the Lord's coming

 The shepherds who struck the sheep in the fields

First of all the news of joy

 I enjoyed the blessings I heard.

Lord, we too

The role and role of one's self

 As faithfulness takes over

The Lord is on earth

Good day to come again

May you be ancient.


Unable to know the joy of Christmas

To many people in the world

Let me share this news.

Right now,

With suffering people

 Hungry and hungry


 Please comfort the people.

God told us

As you came

 We have them first

 Please let me find you.

In the name of Jesus of love

 I pray.



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