Today's prayer "Let us begin with thanksgiving"

Today's prayer "Let us begin with thanksgiving"

Our Father who loves us!

We praise God for our hope and joy.

By cleansing our sins with the merits of the blood of Jesus Christ

In God's grace and love.

I give thanks and praise.

Today, our spiritual awakening

Thank you for your time of prayer.

The house of the Lord, gathered under the roof of the Lord, repent and atonement,

We, those who have gotten the rest of the soul, this morning and tomorrow morning,

Let us begin with thanksgiving.

Heavenly Father!

Until the coming week, we will find some hardship,

I do not know what kind of trials I will fall into.

Strengthen us in hardship and trials,

Please give me courage and love to overcome it.

Overcome suffering with courage, love,

For the love of the Lord, who is present in all the world

May I have a heart of gratitude.

Heavenly Father!

Open every morning with prayer,

Even if you meditate and think of the Lord,

May I not have an unwavering faith.

Every day, our faith is more true,

By making love and faith full

On a returning Sunday, I am more proud and happy.

I want to see you.

Heavenly Father!

Now, many people are economically

I appeal to the difficulties.

A national bankruptcy heard from across the world is concerned about the crisis.

The hardships of the people and the self-employed are still there.

Have mercy on them.

And when we are economically wealthy

Instead of seeking God, we fall into the worldly.

Forgive the remoteness of God,

May you be more humble and seek God day by day.

For every household, every workplace should be free from physical difficulties.

Give me grace.

All words living

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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